It has 1100 inhabitants. It is situated 70 km from Thessaloniki and 24 km from Poligiros and is the continuation of the Byzantine village Miriofito. After 1922 a lot of refugees from eastern Thrace and asia Minor, came to settle in the village. Then its name was changed into Olynthos. At a short distance to the east of the village in a fenced area, one can find the ruins of ancient Olynthos. To the east of the ancient town the ruins of St Nicholas’ Byzantine church can be found. Being a construction of the 19th or 11th century, it was decorated with mosaics and frescoes and the dome was supported by four marble pillars with characteristic capitals. The walls remain. Four km to the north of Olynthos one can find the tower and the Byzantine church of St Nicholas of Mariana. Mariana was the name of the village, existing there during the Byzantine times. At the end of the 14th century the area became property of Dochearion Monastery of the Holy Mountain. Then the tower, which was approximately 15m high, was built. 150m to the North East the ruins of a big old basilica, can be found. A remarkable Byzantine water-mill is situated to the east of the tower.

Local celebrations
April 23:St George’s feast, organised by St.George’s church, which was built in 1960.
Cultural manifestations and "courbani" a traditional custom which involves      giving food to all pilgrims.
May 2:StAthanasios, patron saint of the village. Cultural manifestations and "courbani"
Famous local products
Olives, Olive-oil, pistachio, wheat.
Overland transport
From Thessaloniki the duration is 1 hour. From Poligiros 3 times a day, 24 km. From Moudania 6 times a day, 8 km. The service of two taxis is provided.

 The municipality of Poligiros is situated at the centre of the peninsula of Halkidiki at the foot of mountain Cholomontas and on an altitude of 560 metres. It is the capital of the department of Halkidiki and together with the settlements of Gerakini and Kalives it has 5600 inhabitants. According to the oral local traditions the town was situated on the place Selio to the south of Poligiros and it was moved to its present place to be protected from pirate raids. During the time of the turkish domination it was the head village of the area and its local holiday is the 17th of May, the day when the Revolution of Halkidiki was declared in 1821. At Poligiros you can also find the archaeological Museum of the county.

                                                         Local celebrations
The traditional carnival, during which several cultural events , such as exhibitions, take place. Other festivities and fairs are for the churches of Prophet Elias, Virgin Mary, St.Nicholas and St.Dimitrios.
Famous local products
     Olive-oil, olives, cheese, yoghurt.
Overland transport
Frequent transport to and from Thessaloniki. Duration of the trip about one hour. The same to the beaches of Halikidiki.