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Επόμενο:Παράρτημα Γ Πάνω: Παράρτημα Β Πίσω: : B.10 ΠΡΟΣΟΜΟΙΩΣΗ ΠΑΡΑΛΛΗΛΩΝ ΑΡΧΙΤΕΚΤΟΝΙΚΩΝ




Σαν περίληψη του παραρτήματος δίνεται η οθόνη που εμφανίζει το περιβάλλον της Multi-Pascal όταν εισάγουμε την εντολή HELP.




*RUN - Initialize and run the program from the beginning
*EXIT - Terminate the Multi-Pascal system
*LIST n:m - Lists program source lines n through m
*BREAK n - Sets a breakpoint at program line n
*CLEAR BREAK n - Clears the breakpoint from line n
*CONT - Continues program execution after a breakpoint
*STATUS p:q - Displays status of processes p through q
*STEP n - Continues execution for n lines in current STEP process
*STEP PROCESS p - Sets current STEP process number to p
*WRITE p name - Writes out value of variable "name" in process p
*TRACE p name - Makes variable "name" a trace variable
*DISPLAY - Displays list of breakpoints, trace variables, and alarm
*CLEAR TRACE m - Clears the trace from memory location m
*TIME - Gives elapsed time since start of program and sincelast break
*UTILIZATION p:q - Gives utilization percentage for processors p to q
*PROFILE p:q t - Causes utilization profile to be generated for processes p to q every t time units
*PROFILE OFF - Turns off profile
*ALARM t - Sets alarm to go off at time t
*ALARM OFF - Disables alarm from going off in future
*VARIATION ON (OFF) - Turns variation option on (off)
*CONGESTION ON (OFF) - Turns congestion option on (off)
*DELAY d - Sets the basic communication delay to d time units

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Επόμενο:Παράρτημα Γ Πάνω: Παράρτημα Β Πίσω: B.10 ΠΡΟΣΟΜΟΙΩΣΗ ΠΑΡΑΛΛΗΛΩΝ ΑΡΧΙΤΕΚΤΟΝΙΚΩΝ