3.1.5 Remote Procedure Call

  1. Design a Java interface for a voting service, which can allow a user to retrieve a list of candidates and their manifestoes, to discover the current number of votes a candidate has, and to vote for a particular candidate.

  2. Convert the Java interface above to a remote invokable interface. What other classes are needed to provide a complete implementation?

  3. Design the equivalent XDR interface for the above voting service.

  4. Sun rpc can either work over udp or tcp - what are the advantages and disadvantages of the two approaches?

  5. Exception handling is a weak part of the sun rpc system, relying principally on the unix ``have global variables in the program environment - errno'' approach. What are the desireable features of exception handling and what are the problems in extending sun rpc to support exception handling?

The answer.

Ian Wakeman 2005-02-22