Electronic Postcard Application with Servlets and Sockets


Short: Servlets and Sockets
Long: Electronic Postcard Application with Servlets and Sockets


The purpose of this lab is to implement a part of a distributed application using servlets that execute on a web server and use sockets for inter-process communication.

Time allocation

Four hours are allocated to complete this lab assignment.


You will have to implement three servlets that:


  1. Install the lab assignment.
  2. Make sure the servletrunner is working properly by executing some of the servlet examples.
  3. Start by modifying the Client.java from the sockets example.
  4. Enable your servlets to track the user's session; display the session ID on the web pages.
  5. The resulted postcard should stay on the web server for two weeks; create a unique file name for it.
Note: To pass this lab assignment you should generate all the three pages. You do not need to do session tracking and the unique file name in order to pass the lab.

Reporting your work

The lab is reported by showing the assistant the working application. All members of the lab group should be present when reporting.
