Mic-1 MMV Simulator (V. 1.01)

The Mic-1 MMV software requires the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 1.4 or later. Before proceeding, make sure it is installed properly.

If you have not installed JRE 1.4 or later, visit http://java.sun.com/j2se/ to download a JDK or JRE for your platform. Follow Sun's instructions to install JRE 1.4 or later before you install Mic-1 MMV.

Windows users: When you install Java, the Java installer should make sure your PATH variable points to the Java bin directory. If it does not, edit your PATH variable manually to do so.

Unix/Linux users: Your Java PATH environment variables must contain the path of the JDK executables. To make sure your Java PATH environment variables are set properly, type the following command:

which java

If a directory path is returned, the PATH is properly set. If nothing is returned, you must find the jdk and set the PATH manually.

Macintosh users: At the end of the installation process, check that the Java JRE is properly installed by attempting to launch the Mic-1 MMV jar file, as shown below.

The following instructions assume you have already copied the Mic1MMV directory from the CD-ROM to your hard disk, and checked its contents, as discussed in Section I.

1. Locate the bin subdirectory within the Mic1MMV directory on your hard disk, and select the appropriate jar file for your system:

Mic1MMV_hr.jar (for high-resolution screens running at 1280x960 or higher)

Mic1MMV_lr.jar (for lower-resolution screens running at resolutions lower than 1280x960)

2. Rename the appropriate file as Mic1MMV.jar.

3. Double-click on the jar file you selected, or launch from the command line with the following command:

java -jar Mic1MMV.jar

Alternatively, edit the batch file runMic1.bat and use it to launch the simulator. Instructions for editing runMic1.bat are contained in that file.

Please continue to the next step: Examples