Mic-1 MMV Simulator (V. 1.01)
Copying the Mic-1 MMV Simulator Software to Your Hard Disk

1. If you have not done so already, download/copy/unzip the entire Mic1MMV directory to your hard disk.

2. Locate the Mic1MMV directory on your hard disk, and make sure it contains the following subdirectories and files:

bin subdirectory, containing the following files:

Mic1MMV_hr.jar (executable Java jar file containing high-resolution version of the simulator program)

Mic1MMV_lr.jar (executable Java jar file containing low-resolution version of the simulator program)

runMic1.bat (batch file for launching the simulator)

lib subdirectory, containing the following files:

ijvm.conf (configuration file for the ijvmasm assembler; also contains a description of the assembly language, including opcode, mnemonic, and operand types for each instruction)

mic1.properties (sample properties file)

GNU.TXT (copy of the GNU General Public License applying to this software)

examples subdirectory, containing the following subdirectories:

MAL (subdirectory containing mic1ijvm.mal, the source micro assembly language file (MAL file) for the standard IJVM interpreter.

JAS-IJVM (subdirectory containing several sample Integer Java Virtual Machine [IJVM] programs, in source code form [JAS files] and object code form [IJVM files]).

doc subdirectory, containing the following files:

UserGuide.jar (standalone version of the user guide; to run, either double-click, or launch from the command line with the following command: java -jar UserGuide.jar)

UserGuide_hs.jar (JavaHelp helpset for this user guide; must remain in the same directory as UserGuide.jar)

src subdirectory, containing the following file:

Mic1MMV_xxx.zip (Zip file containing source code for Mic-1 MMV)

Note: The Mic-1 MMV jar files in this release bundle the Javahelp classes contained in the archive jh.jar, distributed by Sun Microsystems and licensed as part of the Java 2 Standard Edition. See http://java.sun.com/products/javahelp/. This source zip only contains files for which the copyright is owned by Prentice Hall. Recompilation will require reference to the files of jh.jar in the classpath.

Please continue to the next step: Installation